Content Review Rubic for an online course.


Course: _________________________   Section Number: ________  Instructor: _________________________ Date: ___________



Criteria for a quality online course










I. Instructional Design

Instructional Design refers to the analysis of learning needs and the systemic approach of developing an online course in a manner that facilitates the transfer of knowledge and skills to the learner through the use of a variety of instructional methods, which relate to multiple learning styles, strategies, and preferences.






II. Communication, Interaction, and Collaboration

Communication, Interaction, and Collaboration addresses how the course design, assignments, and technology effectively encourage exchanges amongst the instructor, students, and content.






III. Student Evaluation & Assessment

Student Evaluation and Assessment refers to the process your institution uses to determine student achievement and quality of work, including the assigning of grades.






IV. Learner Support and Resources

Learner Support and Resources refers to program, academic, and/or technical resources available to learners.






V. Web Design

Web Design refers to the use of Web pages, graphics, multimedia, and accessibility standards in the web pages of a course which are under the course developerŐs control.






VI. Course Evaluation

Course Evaluation refers to the processes and mechanisms used to elicit feedback from learners for the purpose of course improvement.










The criterion is not present, but should be, based on course design and content, or present, but not appropriate for this course.



Some evidence of this criterion, but it needs to be presented more clearly or better developed.



Evidence of this criterion is clear and is appropriate for this course. More could possibly be added.



Evidence of this criterion is clear, appropriate for this course, and demonstrates best practices in a manner that models its use.



Not applicable based on course design and content.


* Adopted from the University of Illinois Online Network, ION 2/23/07