
agenda of 2-23-07

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Agenda of 2-23-07 - Minutes of 2-23-07 - call: 866-316-1517 passcode: 94365332



1. Accreditation and passwords to every online and hybrid class


2. Late Add of Students - Policy


3. Discuss Instructor Evaluation and content review - rubric - and advising Department Chairs and implementation - see http://lamc-ddl.pbwiki.com/content-review-rubric - The Committee discussed this, and decided that Said, Paul and David would draft language for evaluation to be presented to the 3/08 Curriculum Meeting - Paul has developed a rubric, based on the University of Illinois at contentreview.htm


4. Instructor Pages - at http://lamission.edu/online -what-is-missing - Myriam


5. Discuss end of class survey by online students - and administration - see sample at http://profj.us/ddl/forms/studentsurvey.htm - also the survey for LAMC Instructors - http://wellness.lattc.edu/online/evals/LAMCeval.html which goes to http://missiononline@gmail.com


6. Discuss and approve a policy on Hybrid classes - Paul



7. Discuss online counseling and advising - meeting set with Suzanne Ritcheson on 2-28-07 at noon - establish guidelines - Paul, Myriam and David


8. Do a MSA- motions approved page for our DE page - David


9. please review minutes of our last meeting of 2-09-07


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