
Agenda of 5-12-06

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 8 months ago

Agenda of 5-12-06


1. Discuss changing the name of the Committee from DDL Committee (Distributive and Distance Learning) to DHE (Distance and Hybrid Education)Committee


2. Discuss Online portal for Mission College online students - and how to establish



3. Discuss 24/7 help desk and online help desk for online students


4. Discuss development of hybrid classes - VTEA, etc.


5. Discuss meetings and work over the summer. - Etudes NG Training, Certification, etc.


6. Discuss SSI at Valley and 3 new Initiatives at Mission and E-Portfolios at LaGuardia CC. - http://abogado.pbwiki.com/Mission%20Initiatives and e-portfolios

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