DRAFT - revised 9-16-06
Faculty Requirements to Teach Online/Hybrid Classes (Application and Checksheet) -
Online or Internet Classes:
Online courses are taken exclusively over the Internet, there are no on-campus meetings. However, books are required. All work is submitted to your instructor online. Your "virtual classroom" is delivered over the web via a course management system (CMS) Go to http://lamission.edu/online and check to see which CMS your course uses. The definition of an online or hybrid class is one in which 51% of the content of the class is delivered over the internet. -
51% rule - 51 -
"A DE course/section or session is defined as the use of technology utilized 51 percent or more of the time to deliver instruction during the course term and where the student and instructor are separated by distance. The delivery of instruction in the DE modality can include the use of one or a number of technologies. As an example, an instructor can use the Internet, email video and class lecture to deliver instruction (hybrid course). However, if the use of the combined mediated technology is 50 percent or less, or the student and instructor are not separated by distance, the course/section/session is considered a classroom-based traditional course/section/ session."
Board of Governors - California Community Colleges - Distance Education Regulations and Guidelines - Section 55205 - http://www.cccco.edu/divisions/esed/aa_ir/disted/attachments/DEGuidelinesMar2004.doc
Hybrid Classes:
Hybrid courses meet both on-campus and online - a course that blends online and face to face delivery- (between 30 - 50 percent of class content is delivered online) - think of them as traditional face-to-face courses where some of the on- campus class meetings are replaced with online assignments. In a hybrid course, you will attend meetings on-campus during the date and times listed in this schedule of classes. - see 51% rule - 51 - Boarf of Governors - California Community Colleges - Distance Education Regulations and Guidelines - Section 55205 - http://www.cccco.edu/divisions/esed/aa_ir/disted/attachments/DEGuidelinesMar2004.doc
Web-Enhanced Classes:
Web-Enhanced courses are traditional face-to-face classes that are augmented with course web sites. However, unlike hybrid courses, web-enhanced classes continue to hold all of their meetings on-campus. The course web site is an extra value.
Checksheet to teach online: (applies to both Online/Internet and Hybrid Classes - but not to Web-Enhanced Classes) - please initial when each step is completed.
1. ___ Faculty informs their Department Chair they would like to teach an online class in their discipline, and consult guidelines for establishing a new online class (do we need guidelines on how to determine which classes should go online? ) - Faculty fills in the "Application to Teach Online" - see Draft Form - form
2. _ After Faculty and Department Chair (in consultation with Curriculum and DE ) have reviewed and determined that the class is a good one to put online, the faculty obtains approval to teach the class onlne or as a hybrid class. The Dept. Chair to initial here ____ that they approve the class, and have allocated for it within the guidelines established for the Department by the Council of Instructions. The Curriculum Chair and DE Chair are notified of this decision, and the faculty is placed on a list of "online classes in develop" which will be closely monitored by the Department Chair, Curriculum and DE to ensure that the online classes are high quality and comply with all curriculum and DE rules and guidelines.
3.___ Faculty updates the course curriculum and course outline for the class they plan on teaching online (including the DE form required by Curriculum - see DE Form - DE Curriculum form - (this applies only to fully online and internet classes, and not hybrid classes (i.e. less than 50% online with Face to Face - Classroom greater than 50%)
4. ___ Faculty decides which Course Management System ("CMS") and/or online teaching tools they will employ in teaching their class online and informs the DDL Committee.
5. ___ Faculty receives training from DDL or designee in the CMS platform and/or online teaching tools
6. ____ Faculty completes training and passes proficiency exam on the CMS platform and/or online teaching tools.
7. ____ Faculty is assigned a DDL mentor as part of the "Online Faculty Mentoring Program" of DDL who will help with the education and training of the new DDL faculty.
8. ____ Faculty uploads their course assignments, quizzes to the CMS.
9. ____ Faculty provides a chart of Student Learning Outcomes for their Assignments/Quizzes to the DDL Committee, along with their current updated course outline and assignments/quizzes for the online class.
10. ____ Faculty completes their CMS platform, and it is ready for use by students.
11. ____ DDL, Curriculum, and the Department Chair of the discipline reviews the CMS platform and Student Learning Outcomes to ensure they conform with Curriculum guidelines and the current course outline of record for the online or hybrid class.
12.____ Curriculum approves the Faculty to teach online.
13.____ Curriculum informs DDL, Vice Presdident of Academic Affairs, the respective Department Chair and Educational Planning Committee that the Faculty Member is now designated as a DDL online teacher, and that the class has been approved as an online or hybrid class. Curriculum Committee and DDL update their records accordingly.
14. ____ Faculty takes continuing training to update their skills and submits a list of training they have completed each year to the DDL Committee
15. ____ Checksheet is signed off by the DDL, Curriculum Chair, and Department Chair and a copy is included in the Department Chair files on records, along with the Office of Academic Affairs.
16. ___ Upon completion of teaching the first online class, or hybrid class, the faculty is placed on the DE Faculty Priority List
DDL Committee Chair
Curriculum Committee
Department Chair
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