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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years ago

hello Kathleen and Alma,


I reviewed the "Substantive Change" issue, and here is my interpretation.


The ACCJC does not want Community Colleges to supplant or replace on campus classes with online so the CC becomes an online CC without first applying for "Substantive Change" - since our Mission (play on words) is to provide education for our local community, and by changing to online we change our demographics (although it seems that 80% of our online students live within a few miles of the College).


So as long as we do not "replace" or "supplant" on campus classes with online, we will be fine. However, we need to watch, if classes are low enrollment, and thos faculty choose to turn it into an online class, then we are "supplanting". We will need to carefully look at sagging enrollment classes, and if we convert those to online, then we need to create new or other on campus classes to offset the overall increase in online classes. In other words as we offer more online classes we are going to want to probably weed out the low enrollment on campus classes, and create new on campus classes and programs to replace those low enrollment on campus classes. Hope that clarifies the matter.


I emailed Vivian Sinou, the Director of Etudes NG at Foothill. I believe she is now working at the State Chancellors Office, and this is her reply to our concern -


"I don't know what the concern is... We offer eight AA degrees online, and

got praised for our online program by the Accreditation team this past

spring. It was in the 5 things that the commended Foothill in their final

evaluation report. As long as the curriculum outlines are respected, quality

of instruction is not compromised, student services and support is offered

for distance learners, and the program is comparable in depth, breadth and

quality as the traditional one, you are OK. Vivie"


We need to work on the Student Services part this year in our DE Committee.


Also Alma, I talked with Saed Pazirandeh, and he is our Curriculum Chair rep on the Committee and also can act as the interim Senate rep, until we add another member as a Senate rep.


We will bring our policies on "Application to teach online" to the Senate for their approval in the Fall.



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