Guidelines for Evaluation of Distance Education Instructor
here is link to use from LATTC - for LAMC -
survey goes to
2nd draft - 10/11/06
1st draft - 10-07-06 by RR - evaluation1
see link at -
other links for course evaluation -
When an instructor is evaluated for teaching a traditional class, the evaluation committee actually visits the instructor’s class and watches him/her actually teach. For an online class, however, the situation is a little different. How do you “sit in” on the instructor’s class?
One way to accomplish this is to look at the course website as a visitor and observe the following:
Course Description:
- Are the course objectives clear (SLOs?) and do they agree with the Course Outline?
- Are the grading policies clear? Will the students understand how they are being graded and what they must actually do for a good grade?
- Are the mechanics of the course clear … how the course works, how the activities are actually performed, deadlines, etc?
- Are the assignments clearly laid out and described?
- Are the evaluation criteria for assignments clearly described?
- Are the number and kind of written assignments appropriate?
Discussion Forums;
- Do the students have ample opportunity to interact with one another, thereby creating a sense of “classroom”?
- Is the instructor visible in the forums, frequently making comments and suggestions (without appearing to control the discussion)?
- Are the discussion topics relevant to the learning objectives?
- Are students encouraged to participate (by the grading policy and/or instructor enthusiasm)?
- Does instructor encourage civility in inter-student online communications?
- Is there a sufficient number of evaluative activities (quizzes, essays, etc)?
- Is the level of the evaluation activities appropriate for the level of the course?
- Are the evaluation results (grades) available in a timely manner?
email communications.
It may be a sensitive issue as to whether the evaluation committee has access to student-instructor email communication, but there should be assurances that student emails are responded to in a timely fashion and that student questions and problems are satisfactorily resolved (the end-of-course survey may be the best criterion for this.)
Is the textbook appropriate for the course?
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