

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

Instructor Pages





At our last DDL Committee meeting we discussed providing more information on our college website for the online classes. Here is my first draft of the information that could be placed on the website for each of the online classes. Since Myriam is such a good sport I’ve used her class as an example.




Information required for the Mission College Website for online classes.




Course number, name, transferability, units




Instructor, contact information, email, telephone number, office hours and location.


Course description for the college catalogue




Other unique information such as publisher’s login information or passwords








001 Introduction to Sociology (UC/CSU) 3 units


Prerequisites: None




Develops the sociological perspective that behavior is largely determined by human interactions and by membership in groups. May be taken for honors credit. See the honors counselor. PursleMR@lamission.edu


Email the instructor at: profmek@hotmail.com as soon as you register.




Instructor: MM Mekelburg. Email: profmek@hotmail.com. Telephone 818/833-3414


Office hours: Tuesdays 7-8 PM. Instructional Bldg. Faculty offices, cubicle 134.




Textbook: Society: The Basics, by Micionis, John J., 8/e, Prentice Hall Publishers


ISBN: 0-13-192244-0 www.lamission.edu/bookstore




The course information could be pulled from a data base, instructor information and textbook information would have to be provided by the instructor and we’d have to gather it. We could develop an online form that they would complete and send back electronically to David and perhaps Eric for posting. I’d encourage you-all to take a look at the West LA College site for an example: http://www.wlac.edu/online/S07schedule.htm#PSYCH note how on the section level the West site links to more information and tutorials for Etudes. We could certainly do as well. It’s a pretty good model to follow and mostly data based. I’d welcome your comments and suggestions before going to far on this project. Thanks!




Paul McKenna, PhD



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