
minutes 10-03-08

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Minutes of 10-03-08

present: Paul McKenna, Myriam Mekelburg, Said Pazirandeh, Vilma Bernal and David Jordan

meeting started at 8:15 am


1. Discuss DE Strategic Plan - (word doc) -  http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/strategicplan


The Committee discussed doing a DE Strategic plan. The Technology Comittee is updating its Tech Master Plan (TMP) and will be doing a SWOT analysis to use in updating the TMP. The Tech Committee in its meeting of 9-29-08 requested that the DE Committee (DEC) participate and complete its own SWOT Analysis. The DEC will meet on 10-13 and complete a SWOT analysis and forward it to the Tech Committee who will integrate it into the TMP.


2. Review District Statistics on Online Education throughout the District - http://lamc-ddl.pbwiki.com/f/Online%20Instruction.pdf


The DEC discussed the District statistics on online education and classes throughout the district. Online instruction has grown dramatically over the past five years.  The number of online class enrollments has at least doubled at each of the nine colleges and has increased over three fold district wide from the academic year 2003-04 to the present.  In the most recent year, online classes produced almost 6% of all district enrollments.  In Fall 2007, Mission had 884 students online (out of a total of 7633) or 10% of its students are now online.

Fall to spring persistence for online only students is also lower than those for traditionally enrolled. However, persistence is highly structured by the intensity of enrollment—those taking two or more classes in a fall term are twice as likely to enroll in the subsequent spring than students taking only one class. When the online only students are compared with traditionally enrolled students taking only one class, persistence by the online students appears to be equal or greater. In Fall 2007, Mission had the highest persistence rate of students taking only online classes in the District.


3. Discuss - John Clerx policy on late adds for online students

The DEC discussed the "late add" policy, and that it has not been implemented yet at Mission. The DEC agreed that the DE Chair would meet with Joe Ramiriez, VP of Student Services and Admissions to reivew the John Clerx policy to determine how it could be implemented for Winter/Spring 2009, and then report back to the DEC.


4. Discuss broadcast email at beginning of each semester to online students through SARS system


The DEC discussed using SARS at the beginning of each semester and session to broadcast a phone message to each online student. David informed the Committee that the SARS system is not currently working with our new VOIP system. The DEC recommended that a work request be submitted with IT to correct and repair the SARS system, and then the DEC would work on a phone message for our online students for Winter/Spring 2009.


5. Discuss policy on email reponse by faculty and establishing a DE policy.


The DEC discussed whether there is a need for the DEC to adopt a DE policy on "email response" time for DE Faculty. The DEC decided that this is a Faculty Department Chair charge and could be part of the evaluation of the DE faculty who fails to respond in a timely fashion to email inquiries by DE students. The DEC reviewed the current online student survey evaultion  which includes the same questions as required by Faculty Contract (see online evaluation form), and question #6 and #7 deal with timely response to emails.


5. New DE Requirement "same student" verification also read WCET Briefing on  Student Authentication


WCET did a webinar presentation on the new requirement - click here to see it

New Distance Education Requirements of the Higher Education Act of 2008 Require Immediate Implementation


This change requires institutions to authenticate the identity of distance education students submitting work toward course and program completion, as described below.


The legislation requires accrediting agencies that accredit institutions offering distance education “to have processes through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the program  and receives the academic credit”,


Paul McKenna asked that the discussion be tabled pending review of the policy by the District DE Committee which will meet on 9/21 to provide input from other colleges in our District before continuing the discussion in our DE Committee.


Meeting adjourned at 9:15 am



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