minutes of 10-12-07

Minutes of 10-12-07


present: Said Pazirandeh, Paul McKenna, Richard Rains, Myriam Mekelburg, David Jordan


Meeting started at 8:15 am


1. Curriculum approval process - Said suggested that the new Curriculum forms should have a space for a statement on the Application to Teach Oline for why the class should be placed online, how it would affect the College, etc. and that this discussion should take place at this point in the process with the Department Chair, Curriculum, and DE. Said will add this to the form and then re-submit it at the next curriculum meeting


2. Unapproved online classes for Winter-Spring 2008


The following classes have not yet been approved to be taught online, however they appear in the final galleys for Winter and Spring 2008.


Uapproved Online Classes  - Winter/Spring 2008


Session/Semester Section Class Instructor Instructor Certified Course Shell Certified
Winter 2008 0108 Chicano 47 Moctezuma,R no no
Winter 2008 3050 CD 001 Ruelas, J no no
Winter 2008 0112 Phil 006 Dyas, D ? no
Spring 2008 3395 Biology 033 Saeki, W ? no
Spring  2008 0403 FCS 026 Berg, J ? no
Spring 2008 0436 Interior Design 113 Lampert, S ? no



The Committee discussed the list of classes.  The Committee felt strongly that the above classes should be closed until they fulfill the current Curriculum and DE guidelines which require that the instructor is certified along with the course shell.


Said suggested that we meet with the VP of Academic Affairs and work up a schedule, or grid similar to Curriculum for due dates or deadlines to teach online, and also review the scheduling process to ensure that classes are not placed in the schedule of classes without the required approvals by Curriculum and DE.


Said moved, and Myriam seconded the following motion with was approved by unanimously by the Committee:




That the above classes scheduled for Winter and Spring 2008 be closed until they fulfill the Curriculum and DE guidelines for certification of both the instructor and the course shell.



meeting adjourned at 8:50 am