Minutes of 4-07-06 DDL Meeting
meeting commenced: 8 am by Meet and Confer: present, Richard Rains, Said Pazirandeh, Vilma Bernal, Paul McKenna, and David Jordan.
1. The Committee Discussed the proposed Motion of "Access to Online Instructors Etudes Shell" - the Committee M/S/A the motion - see under Approved Motions
2. The Committee discussed the difference between online, hybrid, and web-enhanced classes. Paul said there is a good website at online, hybrid and web-enhanced with definitions of those terms. The DDL Committee will edit the current application to teach online Application to teach onlne or hybrid class which is a wiki, and each person in the committee will edit it and the DDL Committee will discuss and move in our next meeting to modify the current application to add "hybrid classes" to the application.
3. The Committee discussed the need to update the current "online page" at Mission, and David will email Juan Chacon with the suggested changes. a motion was m/s/a regarding the re-design for the summer. Approved Motions
4. Etudes NG and Vivian Sinou will hold a "Train the Trainer" workshop on May 15-18, 2006 from 9-2pm at L.A. City College. Hanh Tran has already approved to have Juan Chacon attend. David will email Hanh to see if Eric Rettke, or another person can be trained so we have two trainers for etudes ng classes on campus.
5. Our next DDL meeting was scheduled on 4-21, however that is the date for the College Retreat. We will meet informally on that date. The DDL is structured to report to an Educational Planning Committee, and this new committee may be established during the retreat, and then the DDL can give its reports and approved motions in the future to that Committee.
6. The DDL agreed to have its next meeting on 4-28, and it will meet by "wiki=ing" - an agenda will be posted and emailed, and then DDL members can post their comments under the wiki for that meeting date. (As you can see we are all aflame with the "wiki world". see 4-28-06 wiki meeting Wiki Meeting of 4-28-06
meeting adjourned: 9:15 am
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