Minutes of 4-20-07 DE Meeting
Start: 8:15 am - Adjourn: 9:20
In attendance: Said Pazirandeh, Paul McKenna, Vilma Bernal, Richard Rains, Myriam Mekelburg, David Jordan
1. Review - "one pager" - for Teaching Online - http://lamc-ddl.pbwiki.com/one-pager
The Committee discussed the steps, and changes were made. Paul will do a 2nd draft and send it out the committee for final review. These steps will be forwarded to Academic Affairs for review and upon approval to the Council of Instruction and Department Chairs to inform them of the procedures. The Curriculum Committee will re-draft procedures for approval of online classes to include a step for content review.
2. Review "Substantive Change Policy" - for program - policy.doc
The Committee discussed the policy. Programs need to be aware that as they approach the "50%" level that they will need to go through the Substantive Change Process.
3. DE Annual Report - DE Annual Report
The Committee recommends to Academic Affairs that all online classes and hybrid be identified with a unique number to assist in tracking (eg. #7000 etc. - online, #8000 - hybrid) , and in the meanwhile that Department Chairs provide a list of all all online and hybrid classes offered within their departments each semester and send that list to both Academic Affairs and to the DE Chair.
4. Definitions - online, blended, web-facilitated
The Committee recommended that the language on "blended" classes be added to our current definition of a "hybrid class" - http://lamc-ddl.pbwiki.com/application
5. Who does DE Committee report to ? de-reporting
Not Discussed by the Committee. This will be added to our next agenda.
6. Discuss usage of Etudes and Moodle platforms
David Jordan reported that the etudes ng bill for $11,000, which includes $3000 for membership in the Etudes Alliance was forwarded to Karen in Administrative Services for payment on or before 6/30/07 to maintain our current use of etudes ng for instruction. David suggested that we use the moodle platform, which is free and hosted by the District, for faculty at Mission who wish to use a course management system to enhance or facilitate their face to face classes on campus. This will provide a cost benefit in economizing the use of etudes ng.
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