Online Pedagogy class @ One
Syllabus: Introduction to Online Teaching & Learning
Course Description
This introductory workshop provides an overview and historical perspective of online teaching and learning as well as an introduction to learning theories such as constructivism, learning styles, and multiple intelligences. The course also highlights web-based resources on distance learning and introduces participants to different activities to incorporate into course design.
Using their own experience as online learners in this fully asynchronous course as well as assigned readings and discussion, students will understand the challenges and advantages of delivering an online course over a traditional face-to-face model, the realities of course design, development, implementation and evaluation and the concept of building the online community.
The main objectives of the course are:
- Participate in an online learning community.
- Identify methods to accommodate common learning styles and multiple intelligences in an online classroom.
- Recognize the advantages and challenges faced by online learners and facilitators
- Develop strategies to assist online learners to succeed in the online classroom
- Apply constructivism and learning theory in the online environment by selecting online learning activities for a specific course.
- Identify features in common course management systems that support online learning activities
- Research and discuss the history, benefits, trends and issues, and future of distance learning
Teaching experience in a face-to-face classroom.
Technical Skills
- Competency with file management (for example, creating a folder on your desktop, moving files from one location to another, finding a saved file)
- Internet navigation skills
- Download plug-ins from the Internet
- Update your Internet browser
- Send and receive email
- Create and save documents (Word, PowerPoint, Excel or HTML)
- Have two browser windows open at the same time and toggle between them
- Toggle between two open software applications on your computer
- Copy text or images from a word processing program and paste them into another program
Note: The ability to use an HTML editor such as FrontPage, Dreamweaver, or Netscape Composer will be helpful.
Skills and attitudes helpful when participating in an online class:
- Experience in a face-to-face (f2f) classroom
- A positive attitude towards technology
- An open mind towards online education
- Willingness to share your experiences with others
- Strong writing skills needed for expressing yourself in the discussion area
- Strong analytical and critical thinking skills for when you "get stuck"
- Resourcefulness - don't be afraid to click on links and explore and ask questions
- Basic technical troubleshooting
- Time management
Optional Tutorials
Hyperlinks open in new browser windows.
Although knowing HTML is not a requirement for this workshop, it will be very helpful to have a conceptual understanding of it when you begin to develop your online course materials. Here is a list of optional resources if you are unfamiliar with HTML.
How to Navigate and Use the Workshop Material
Find each week's topic in the sections in the vertical center of the course main page (view immediately upon entering the course). You can find each topic's instructional materials in a "book" in its weekly section of the main page. Select the link for the book and navigate through the pages using the arrows appearing at the top and bottom of the frame on the right. Note that navigation for the book "pages" (aka "chapters") also appears in the left frame.
Navigate to the discussions, topic overview, and other resources by clicking on the links provided in the weekly section.
You can also use the "breadcrumb trail" at the top left corner of the course to navigate back.
Grading and Assignments
Graded Assignment
Points Possible
Discussion (7 X 10 pts. each)
Student Preparation Plan - Assignment #1 (due at end of Week 2)
Syllabus - Assignment #2 (due at end of Week 4)
Mandatory credit/no credit. To earn a credit grade 140 points are required.
You should plan to check in to the discussion forums regularly--at least several times a week, if not daily. Prepare your original entry to the forum early in the week, and monitor the discussion the rest of the week to respond to others' ideas of special interest to you throughout the week.
Full credit
Quality of postings
Postings are not relevant to the question posed.
"I agree with you" and "Good job" without expanding on your opinion.
Disrespectful dialogue, including profanity or personal attacks.
Postings reflect the readings (citing the source) and/or critical thinking/real world application processing is evident.
Share the reasons you agree or disagree with others' ideas.
Quantity of postings
Neglects to respond to any postings
Dominates the discussion with excessive postings
Posts original entry and responds to at least one other participant.
More participation is encouraged--to the extent that it advances learning in the course and does not dominate the discussion forum.
Timeliness of posts
Posts meet the other criteria but are posted after the week when class discussions have moved on to other topics.
Responses occur early enough in the week to allow others to provide feedback and contribute to the information exchange of the learning community.
Student Preparation Plan - Assignment #1
5 points = Organization
Preparation plan is well organized. Headings are properly applied to facilitate scanning and retention.
5 points = Creativity
Consider adding visual appeal or using alternatives to the standard Word document format (web page? podcast with transcript?). What other creative ways can you capture your students' attention?
15 points = Length
Length of your plan must be appropriate for the content you provide. Is it concise yet detailed enough to be helpful?
20 points = Success tips
Risk factors have been considered and suggested strategies are identified. What additional information can help your students succeed? (Is there supporting information that might help them succeed with assignments? purchase the book from a remote location? etc.)
10 points = Consideration of audience
Your plan should address issues related to your specific course. Consider grouping general success tips together and more specific tips for an individual course in another group to make a boilerplate document that can be easily edited for each online course you offer.
10 points = Campus resources
Include resources available on your campus to support online learners.
Syllabus for an Online Course - Assignment #2
10 points = Mandated elements identified by your campus
For instance, the Humboldt State University Policy on Content of Syllabi (.doc file, Microsoft Word required) was adopted effective Fall 2008. If you use different guidelines, provide location of the policy guidelines you used. Carefully consider each required element and how it may differ for an online course. For example, the "Emergency Evacuation" statement for an online course might instead provide information on how to check on the learning management system or network maintenance schedule, or how to report server unavailability.
20 points = Communication protocols
Communication in any class is important, but in a class without the dimensions of space and time, it becomes critical. Define for your students the preferred methods for asking questions as well as when and how to look for answers; when and how to expect announcements; netiquette guidelines, etc.
10 points = Grading
How will the "attendance and participation" requirements for your class be interpreted? How and when should students expect feedback on assignments and participation? Will correct spelling and grammar be expected in discussion forums for full credit?
25 points = Learning Activities
What learning activities have you selected for your class? How will you engage students with each other and the material? Which technologies will be used? Where will students find directions they need for using the selected technologies?
From: David Jor
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